AnotherBrain URcap allows you to automatically have the configuration of the robot adapted to the Phosphor Quality product and also the use of our lamp and HD camera : the Phosphor Cam. Thanks to this plugin, the payload and the tool center point are effortlessly and automatically defined.

The installation position of the phosphor cam at the end of the robot arm is also configurable in the installation part of this plugin.

How does it work ? 

Make sure your computer is connected to Internet, then install the URCap AnotherBrain Plug-in to the following address.

Put the anotherbrainswing- folder on a USB stick, then plug the USB stick to the USB port of the robot’s Teach-Pendant. For more details on this procedure, refer yourself to the manual’s guide given by Universal Robots.

On the Teach Pendant :

  • Go on the Menu Icon, then go through Settings > System > URCaps
  • Select the Plug-in AnotherBrain and click on the button “+“ to install it.
  • Once the Plug-in is installed you will be able to find it on the tab Installation
  • > URCaps > Anotherbrain.

AnotherBrain URcap allows you to automatically have the configuration of the robot adapted to the PHOSPHOR® Quality product and also the use of our lamp and HD camera: the PHOSPHOR® Cam. Thanks to this plugin, the payload and the tool center point are effortlessly and automatically defined.

On the window displayed, the tool “Tool Change Position”  will allow you to save your chosen position for your Robot and automatically come back to it.

  • On the “ Tool TCP’s” option inside the Anotherbrain Plug-in, make sure the option “PhosphorCam” is ticked.
  • On the other option “Payload” on the Anotherbrain Plug-in, click on the “Create Payload“ button (A)
UR+ Plugging interface - AnotherBrain


This action will create the  PHOSPHOR® Cam’s configuration  in the Robot’s settings and allow the program to take in consideration the PHOSPHOR® Cam’s position as well as it’s weight, at the end of it’s arm.

The installation position of the PHOSPHOR® Cam at the end of the robot arm can also be configured in the installation part of this plugin. To do so, simply use the “Tool Change Position“ tool mentioned above.

  • Go to installation >  General > TCP
  • Select  “ PhosphorCam “ (B) and click on the validation icon (C)
UR+ Plugging interface 2 - AnotherBrain


  • Go to Installation > General > Payload
  • Select “ URCapPayload “ (D) and click on the validation icon (E)
  • On the Robots controler’s engine, select the payload “ URCapPayload”


UR+ Plugging interface 3 - AnotherBrain